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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Weird Synergy Break

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hey everyone

i was wondering if my shooting technique was off or if my synergys sucked

soo i had a sakic inter grip synergy for bout 3 seasons it had a really weird break

if u look the the blade upside down (ie shaft going straight away from ur face)

the blade was split in 2 down the middle

very long

so i bought the same stick but a modo this time

the same break is beginning to occur after 2 weeks

is it me or the stick?

and if its me how should i fix this?

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i love synergies though lol

i was thinking about the vapor XX or XXX but dont wanna risk goin to something i dont know about

my sakic syn. was awesome till it broke

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the same thing is happenin with my int syn. grip but not with my syn st grip

Try the Z bubble, I went from Synergy to the Z bubble and trust me the Z bubble is just as good (for me) if not better and cheaper. But you have to use a carbon blade to keep down on weight and helps performance.

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wait..is like the blade split in half?

if it is..then that happens to me all the time...

the last three sticks ive had - ccm vector 130 and 2 vapor XXX's have all broken that way

its cause...that i am unsure of


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That happened to every si-core that I owned - I went through about 5 of them in a year or so. I switched to the Stealth and haven't had any problems like that. The only blade damage I get on those is fraying around the toe. Otherwise, I guess I'm lucky - 2 Stealths lasted me a year, with the only reason I stopped using them being that the toe was too torn up from crashing the boards.


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yea seems to be happening to everyone

i just thought it was weird becuase i had the sakic for a year with no trouble

in 2 weeks i had the breakage problem so it was a cause for concern

hopefully ill get an sl or stealth as a replacement

any know the chances for warrenty return being an upgrade?

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so did they stop making the inter. syn grips or wut?

and will i get the same flex/curve and how long should i expect to get the replacement back if i shipped today

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Easton Warrenty question: if you broke your OPS in half, but lost one of the 2 part..is it still acceptable with the receipt?

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Blades coming apart like that seem to happen a lot on vapor sticks, but i rarely see that in Synergy's and stealths, etc. 3 seasons is a long time so you can't really complain about that. No stick has a set time to break, so you take a chance buying any stick. Possibly you could try taping all the way to the toe on your stick and even over the toe to prevent it. when you do toe drags, grind on the boards, etc, it wears down the toe of the blade which could contribute to that.

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so did they stop making the inter. syn grips or wut?

and will i get the same flex/curve and how long should i expect to get the replacement back if i shipped today

they dont have the old synergies anymore, it was replaced with the ST series. they MIGHT have some old stock, but if they dont have it in your flex or pattern, they will likely send an ST grip.

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i doubt it will happen. you get what you paid for. i bought a si core grip on sale, and when it broke i called in and they said that because i paid about $150 CDN for it, i would get an ST if they didnt have any leftover si cores. call in before, the lady on the phone from the canadian location was helpful.

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