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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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looking for skates

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Cause I live in Ireland, I have the problem of my LHS being either in Newfoundland or Germany.

And many of the Online shops won't ship outside the USA.


Where do you live? Are you in the north or south? If you are in or around Dublin, try contacting Cliff Saunders at the Irish Ice Hockey Association, he may be able to help out, (01) 455-0222.

If you are up north, try calling the Oddessy, or the giants, see if someone there can help.

If you are in the south your donald ducked if you order international. Every time I send something home they charge my mother 24% VAT. I have started using my aunts address in Derry for stuff.

If you live up north, take the ferry to Scotland. When my brother lived there we used to go over for the Celtic games, was 10 pound as a foot passenger each way, then another 12 each way for the bus to glasgow, so for 45 quid you will get to the shops in glasgow, you could do it there and back in a day.

Again, depends where you live. What part of Ireland are you in?

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