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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Intake of BN 8500

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Hi. I'm new to this site and would like to get your opinions on the following topic:

Someone I know, who happens to work for a pro team, has offered me a new helmet. I have to choose between the new Mission Intake or the new BN 8500. Right now, I'm leaning towards the Intake, but I really can't decide which one to choose.

Which one should I get?

Has anyone of you guys ever played with one of them.

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Yes, I know that. I've already seen the helmets, but have never used them. Right now, I'm playing with a bauer 5000, so I've never tried the 8000. I would like to know if anyone ever played with one of them. If so, did you like it or not?

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they're both top of the line helmets with similar features, if the 5000 fits you well, you might as well go with the 8500, though it might be heavier than the intake.

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