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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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right now i hav vapor XVs and i was thinkin about buyin a new pair of skates soon

im interested in grafs because ive heard a lot about them

i also like the bauer 8090s

would it be a big transition going from bauers to grafs?

and how much diffrenet would the 8090s be compared to the vapors?

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I went from Bauer 7000's to Graf G35's without any problems what so ever. The 8090 fit is different from the vapors.

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I went from Bauer 7EE to Graf 7W. If you're a EE, then the 8090's might be a good fit. You really need to try them on if possible since I actually fit in a 6.5D when I tried on the 8090.

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i went from vapor 10's about 3 years ago to grafs and i had no problem at all with the fit. olny problems i had with the fit was my recent pair of grafs. g3's. got some spots punched out and now it fits like a sock.

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yea i want to try grafs

i wear a ee wdth in my vapors

do grafs run narrow

and what would be teh major difference in the 8090s are they wider or narrower than vaprs

8090's are much deeper, and stiffer than the XV's, much less forward flex. also, they are wider, and i believe the arch is higher. unless you were fitted wrong in your XV's, i doubt you'll fit properly in the 8090's

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Id had grafs for 7 years and everytime id go to get a new pair id try on a different brand and there was no comparrison i still liked grafs i have graf G5 right now.

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