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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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xxx lite ph2 curve 77

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is this stick an option retail? it says it is an option when you go to the pattern decription but it isnt when it says it on the side on the website

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If you mean P02, Samsonov (Lidstrom curve), this blade is no longer available from NBH. I use the pattern and am po'ed they took it out of the mix of 06. All 05 stock is long gone as well from NBH. I can get the pattern from Easton or Mission (McCauley) but not the 77 flex, only 85. The 77 flex was the best part because I chop off 6" from my OPS. The INT OPS is too thin in the shaft for me.

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I'll put that on my booking order! thanks for the heads up. I forgot about the old "whip" flex from TPS. I didn't book any product from them last year when a sales rep never showed up!

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