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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf skates G3/G5

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Ok i am new to the board so please forgive me if these have been talked about before. I am looking to get new skates and i am interested in the graf G3 or G5.

I am 6"0 185lbs skate size 7.5E in a bauer skate. I have kind of a high arch.

Question 1. i have is would one or the other be better for a higher arch??

2. I have read durabilaty issues with new graf skates.

do these models have quailty control issues???

If anybody can help me out with some of these qusetions please let me know



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Hi Daniel,

The G3/G5 are great skates in that they are made from the same "lasts" at their 703 and 705 lines. They are stiff skates that work to really transfer power into your stride.

I got a pair of G3s for Christmas and I love playing in them; the best "performing" skate I've owned. Having said that, the G3 has had a history of the carbon fiber outsole delamintaing according to a reviewer from ePinions (puckmugger). Sadly, my skates--barely one month old--are beginning to de-laminate.

I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do, but I'm definately pissed because I love the way I feel when I play in these things. It's just a shame.

DO NOT PURCHASE THESE FROM THE INTERNET. You'll need help in sizing (to your question) and if you ever have to deal with Graf warranty.

Good luck

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The G series skates are good skates and perform really well, but you may have durability problems with the composite outsole. You are probably better off buying a 700 series skate. The 703 is the same shape as the G3 and the 705 is the same shape as the G5. The 700 series skates aren't quite as stiff as the G series skates, but the difference is not very noticeable. Also, make sure you can try on both the 703 (or G3) boot and the 705 (or G5) because they both fit differently. The 703 is narrow in the heel and widens out a little bit in the fore foot. The 705 fits deeper and is wider in both the heel and forefoot. The fit of the 705 is comparable to the fit of the CCM Tacks line and the fit of the 703 is comparable to the Bauer Vapor line.

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as for the issue about the carbon fibre outsoles, the problem has been solved i personally havent seen any G series outsoles come off in the past 6months and the only one I have was a Provincial A player who had them for over 5months and didnt dry them out

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I have to whole heartedly disagree about 703's having a wide forefoot. If anything it's narrow. Painfully so for myself.

703/G3 are narrow in the forefoot.

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I have to whole heartedly disagree about 703's having a wide forefoot.  If anything it's narrow.  Painfully so for myself.

703/G3 are narrow in the forefoot.

well i wear a r in 703 crap and ee in xx so...

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I have to whole heartedly disagree about 703's having a wide forefoot.  If anything it's narrow.  Painfully so for myself.

703/G3 are narrow in the forefoot.

well i wear a r in 703 crap and ee in xx so...

That is odd to say the least.

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I think Graf has solved the issue with delaminating outsoles. We saw quite a few out here in the first skates sold. However, I haven't heard of any skates coming back recently with this problem. Graf claimed that there was a breakdown in the manufacturing proccess which they fixed.

I still agree that you might not want to buy G series skates online. (Of course I don't think it's ever a great idea to purchase skates online). But who knows what kind of service you will get if there is a problem?

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