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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Undefendable Spot on a goalie...

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1) the 16inches [below blocker and above pad] if you master this one your middle name WILL be Sniper.

2) over the glove side shoulder but not top corner. hard for goalies to catch.

3) 5 hole

The Truth!!!

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I'm a lower level player in a pretty skilled league, so I rarely have the opportunity to take a shot, much less pick a spot..

With that said, not taking into account what side the shooter is coming from I would guess that blocker side is always better. Aside from the obvious advantage of getting a sure-fire rebound, it just seems like getting your arm into a spot where you can blocker the puck away would be much tougher than catching it with your palm. Plus, the fact that the blocker hand is controlling the stick would seem to take away even more mobility..

As far as glove side goes - put it between the elbow & wrist. Not much surface area there..

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yeah  supposedly the 3 easiest places to shoot are

1) the 16inches [below blocker and above pad] if you master this one your middle name WILL be Sniper.

2) over the glove side shoulder but not top corner. hard for goalies to catch.

3) 5 hole

This is so true,

1-above pad and below blocker/glove depending on which side you shoot, there is always a hole in one of the two.

2-five hole is also one of the best place to shoot.

3- Glove side, top cheese

I'd say that if you do a head fake(or another kind of fake) and then you shoot in either 1-2 or 3, you'll score most of the time.

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