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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I recently got a Stealth from my Grandmother, it was supposed to be a christmas present, but I didn't end up getting it till mid January, It recently broke like 10 inches down on the top/handle part, I know that this is a weak point and they break there, My grandmother can't find the reciept for the life of her, am I out of luck?

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Tell them exactly that. We had to do hand-write "XMAS present" on sticks that were bought in the beginning of December so that warranty issues would be taken care of.

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JR the thing is I don't know if she got it then or after XMAS because I didn't get it until mid January, I guess i'm just gonna explain the situation and hope for the best.

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I recently got a Stealth from my Grandmother...

I wish my grandma had that kind of hand-me-downs!!! All I'm getting is an old clock radio. :lol: ;)

OK, just kidding. :D

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