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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tom Leykis

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He was syndicated in NY after them and stupidly stole whip'm out wednesday. So first they put him through hell for a month, then infinity dropped Leykis' syndication from NY.

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The Tom Leykis Show:

Lick Ass: We have Bob on a car phone, whats up bob?

Bob: Women suck Tom!

Lick Ass: I know bob, I mean, come on, Ive been married 6 times, I know what Im talkin about

Bob: Blow me up tom

Tom: We have Bill from LA, Bill?

Bill: Tom, women REALLY BLOW.

Tom: Yeaahhh, I mean commmmmme on.

That show stinks and I don't like it. Ohhhhhh its bad, real bad. He did invent flash em fridays though, ;)

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He was syndicated in NY after them and stupidly stole whip'm out wednesday. So first they put him through hell for a month, then infinity dropped Leykis' syndication from NY.

then they threw him back on 'new when O&A were cancelled, oh that was fun. Last a week, then we had WRNF. I <3 Ron and Fez. XM 202 baby.

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I had no idea Flash Friday was a rip off of O&A. Not that I've ever heard O&A as they aren't/have not been available in my area.

I listen online to fmtalki in LA... Tom, Frosty Heidi and Frank, and when I'm up the John & Jeff show..


Take me out Lacey Peterson style...

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They are available. They are available in the USA and Canada via XM Satillite Radio. You can listen to them anywhere in the country (either country). John and Jeff are on XM 152 also. They arent a bad over night show.

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He can be amusing at times....The thing I didn't like about Leykis (listening as a Radio guy) is that because he is alone, with no co-host, and no interaction with his Producers...his tirades go on forever. He takes tangents, and says the same thing over and over again in a 5-10 minute span, and the "punchline" is always the same. "Women piss me off..."

Never got to hear A&O...I liked Don & Mike when WBUF ran them (before they went Jack-FM). THAT is a funny show!

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lol.... I use to be a don and mike fan. It is hack shitty radio... but they held a soft spot in my heart. Plus if I wanted to be an O&A fan, I couldnt liek them, so... yeah. What makes you a radio guy?

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They are available. They are available in the USA and Canada via XM Satillite Radio. You can listen to them anywhere in the country (either country).

I'm not going to pay to listen to radio shows - at least not right now. Most shows can be listened to online. Soon enough I'm moving to an area that will have better radio.

Seattle used to have a good station, 100.7 The Buzz, Radio for Guys. But they axed that late last year...

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Its not really meant to sit at home and listen to. Is your computer in your car? XM also has hundreds of music, talk, comedy and sports channels. NCAA football, NCAA basketball, NHL, MLB, PGA, etc. Its great when you drive from NY to Philly and you dont have to change the channel or listen to shitbrick and dickface.

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