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OHL draft 06'

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one of my friends is playing for the thunder bay aaa minor midget kings. and he is there leading scorer! .. im not sure what round he will go in thouhg

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hes definatly dirty at hockey..and the waxers beat teams b4 they hit the ice..including us..we had the best score against them without beating them this year(2-1)

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Anyone know anybody going in the WHL draft. Dangles there's a kid in Prince George who's supposed to be pretty good.

Ryan Howse, i played summer with him

Mostly BC/Sask this year, AB isn't as good but then again there are some sick players that will go top 5-10 from AB, then they drop off.

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Ya thats the kid. I'm pretty sure hes playing Midget AAA and plays bantam on in tournies. Sherwood I'm not sure if you say but 3 guys from the Waxers team in Ont. are mentioned in the hockey news prospects magazine

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Yea, they're probably Stamkos, Del Zotto, and either one of O'Neill/Tipoff/Hodgson (who plays a year up). They're such a sick team, buddy told me today that they're 49-4...

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Anyone know anybody going in the WHL draft. Dangles there's a kid in Prince George who's supposed to be pretty good.

Ryan Howse, i played summer with him

Mostly BC/Sask this year, AB isn't as good but then again there are some sick players that will go top 5-10 from AB, then they drop off.

Howse is amazing. He single-handedly carries the Bantam AAA team here. I was lucky enough to play on his team five years ago. He was great then too. For the second year in a row, he was MVP at that St. Albert tourney, although the PG team came sixth I think. In fact..he dominated Major Midget for the games he was called up. The BCMML however put a limit that he could only play ten games for the Cariboo Canucks. In his first weekend of play he had five ginos and two helpers.

Adam - Do you know him?

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No I don't know him but I have buddies who play on the Bantam AAA team here and play against him and I've heard he's pretty good. Although the team here only plays him in tournaments so I've never seen him play.

On a seperate note do any of you guys know anyone who is expected to go in the 08 or 09 NHL drafts according to scouts or THN.

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On a seperate note do any of you guys know anyone who is expected to go in the 08 or 09 NHL drafts according to scouts or THN.

Way too early to tell anything like that.

Sherwood - How'd you like playing with him? He's obviously got talent but how is he in the dressing room?

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He's a good guy. Not really loud or like most of the other guys on our team were, he just kept it to himself most of the time. We all chirped him because he's dirty but he's a nice kid. We only had him for 3 or 4 tourneys, but that was the case with most of our team, so he never really got to know us that well since he's more reserved.. And then there's him when he playss

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On a seperate note do any of you  guys know anyone who is expected to go in the 08 or 09 NHL drafts according to scouts or THN.

Way too early to tell anything like that.

Sherwood - How'd you like playing with him? He's obviously got talent but how is he in the dressing room?

Ya its definitly early but THN mentions a few players including my friend for the 08 draft although like you mentioned alot of things can change before then.

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boomer are you talking staal?..who is it i will know them

its not staal, it kale kerbashin...... staal is pretty good thoguh, he deff. has the backround to get drafted

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