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Jofa 690 helmet screws

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I have an older Jofa 690 helmet, and the screw / plastic mounts that hold the EPP to the plastic shell have all rusted and broken. Is there a kit with these screws, or is there a workaround with other hardware?

I used to make my own replacements, but they kept breaking and now I want to occasionally swap in a heavier cage / shield combo instead of a half-shield.

Thanks in advance...

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see if you can change over your screws to ones all the other companies work. I know that Jofa uses metric screws and they can at some times be difficult to come by as some stores just simply don't carry Jofa helmets (i know my store hasn't stocked them for at least 2 years). Hope it helps!

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So I ordered the Jofa Helmet Hardware Kit to get the special screws with the struts that hold in the EPP foam, and I had switched the other screws in the helmet to the more common ones last year.


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Definitely switch to the screws used by CCM or Nike/Bauer. Their much easier to replace and work with. I had nothing but headaches with those goofy metric screws and holders. The 690 is a super light and protective helmet so I can understand why you won't part with it, but those screws and holders are the real downside of that helmet.

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Update: The package just arrived yesterday.

The good: I have the proper snaps and front-of-the-helmet screws with the rectangular tenon for the cage. They fit the slots in the plastic shell perfectly.

The bad: none of the hardware has the struts for securing the EPP foam. But, now I have some of the screws with the rectangular tenons, so I can create a set with struts to secure the EPP foam.

Maybe one day I will upgrade the helmet; probably when the foam breaks apart.

Thanks for the help guys.

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