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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pocari Sweat

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A day in the Sahara may make you dehydrated. The flu might dehydrate you, but short of that I have yet to get dehydrated from an hour or two of hockey.

If you have ever been thirsty or had a dry mouth while playing, you have been dehydrated.

Thirst is not a warning sign that you are getting close to being dehydrated, it is a sign that you are already there.

I do alot of outdoor activites (kayaking, canoeing, rock climbing, mountain biking, etc) and help out on a lot of trips with beginers and that is a point we drive home. Drink before you are thirsty.

Rehydrate before you dehydrate!

As for Pocari Sweat...The Japanese have some "interesting" tastes. Some I like some I don't. I might have to pick some up just to see how bad it it.

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As I put it in my bottle, I couldn't help but notice that it is a yellowish/gray color and smelled salty but sweet. I took a swig.

Aren't you glad you did this before you were on the ice and dying of thirst, and in full gear.

That reminds me when I had a case of the runs and discovered just how quickly I could get out of my pads. I guess its all about the motivation.


yeah, that could of gone really bad if you were in a game.

maybe even gotten a ride in an ambulence if you couldnt breathe out their!!

this stuff seems dangerous.

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As I put it in my bottle, I couldn't help but notice that it is a yellowish/gray color and smelled salty but sweet. I took a swig.

Aren't you glad you did this before you were on the ice and dying of thirst, and in full gear.

That reminds me when I had a case of the runs and discovered just how quickly I could get out of my pads. I guess its all about the motivation.


Hey- it looks like I'll be playing you in a couple of weeks. I am playing for the misfits.

Misfits Hockey

You have my sympathies. You have a guy on your team (Joe) who used to play for us before he turned traitor. I'm not sure if he held the most penalty minutes for us or not, but he was close. Most of our guys know which buttons to push and were planning on seeing if they could keep him in the box most of the game.

I'm just greatful that I'm not skilled enough to participate in that, because I rather like the guy and would hate to be mean to him. So pass that along and good luck.

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i think you just got a bad can of the stuff...


its not bad... no worse than gatorade or powerade...

you can find it at a korean or japanese asian foods market, may be a chinese market as well

Tell you what, you can drink the next can, and if you don't retch uncontrolably you have my respect.


i think it is like $2 here.. so bring on the paypal...

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my friend drinks that pocari sweat stuff like its water... but he only drinks it before a workout and after... and he drinks normal water during a workout... but i think its pretty disgusting... he claims its an acquired taste...

but it is amazing for hangovers..

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my friend drinks that pocari sweat stuff like its water... but he only drinks it before a workout and after... and he drinks normal water during a workout... but i think its pretty disgusting... he claims its an acquired taste...

but it is amazing for hangovers..

That's what they say about semen. Fortunately, I realize that if I were to turn gay, I would become violently ill. :o

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As I put it in my bottle, I couldn't help but notice that it is a yellowish/gray color and smelled salty but sweet. I took a swig.

Aren't you glad you did this before you were on the ice and dying of thirst, and in full gear.

That reminds me when I had a case of the runs and discovered just how quickly I could get out of my pads. I guess its all about the motivation.


Hey- it looks like I'll be playing you in a couple of weeks. I am playing for the misfits.

Misfits Hockey

You have my sympathies. You have a guy on your team (Joe) who used to play for us before he turned traitor. I'm not sure if he held the most penalty minutes for us or not, but he was close. Most of our guys know which buttons to push and were planning on seeing if they could keep him in the box most of the game.

I'm just greatful that I'm not skilled enough to participate in that, because I rather like the guy and would hate to be mean to him. So pass that along and good luck.

Yeah, joe is a really nice guy, and I'll bring that up that I heard from an "anonymous" source. Should be fun to play you though.

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