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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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custom footbeds

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With the shock doctor, does it go by skate size or shoe size?

I wear size 13 dress shoe, but have 11.5 E ccm skates.

Also, does the fact that I am wearing E width make a difference.


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Try SOLE custom footbeds you heat them in your oven then stick them in your skates and they cool giving you a full gapless support. I had to contact my foot doctor about my orthotics and found out today that basically they are to support my arch. My arch flatens out and then I supinate. my orthotics tech told me these do the same thing. if your arch can't flaten you can't supinate. if you pronate you have to have custom orthotics but not for my problem...awesome! I got these tonight ...They work! 44 bucks! So i will just put the orthotics in my work boots. the tech also told me orthotics are a fancy word ( in my Case) for arch support. once I learned the machanics of the foot today it all made sense.

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