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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Salming F1 Skates

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I'm about ready to toss my Mission Pure Fly's as a lacebite problem i've been having has gotten me to the point where I ready to drop any $$$ to avoid putting them on again. There really is no cure for lacebite aside from replacing the skate. Neoprene pipe insulation is temporary.

I'd like to get Missions again but have been priced out so i'm looking at the Salming F1's that are on Ebay for 150.

Does anyone use these who might be able to relay their experience with the fit and performance?

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The only problrm I had with mine originally was a bit of pressure on the front side of my heel for thirty minutes the first skate, then ten minutes the second time on the ice.

Then I found out a year later that baking probably would have solved that! :o

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these might be what im looking for :)

They look nice and look like they are well worth the $150 on ebay.. I am looking to replace my tired tacks and they have my size :D

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I have a pair and I love them! Took a little while to get used to the T'blades but once I did, they feel great. There was practically NO break-in time required for my feet.

They're stiff but not too stiff for me (5'10" and 180lbs) with good forward flex. They are a deeper boot which I was looking for. I was in CCM Externo's before and the lace pressure on my instep was huge. WIth the F1's, they fit perfectly.

One thing that I read about and really noticed was the sound the T'blades make - definitely took some getting used to. Can't sneak up on anyone, that's for sure!

Overall - great skate. :)

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I have a pair and I love them!  Took a little while to get used to the T'blades but once I did, they feel great.  There was practically NO break-in time required for my feet.

They're stiff but not too stiff for me (5'10" and 180lbs) with good forward flex.  They are a deeper boot which I was looking for.  I was in CCM Externo's before and the lace pressure on my instep was huge.  WIth the F1's, they fit perfectly.

One thing that I read about and really noticed was the sound the T'blades make - definitely took some getting used to.  Can't sneak up on anyone, that's for sure!

Overall - great skate.  :)

You can't sneak up on anyone because your defense partner is out there causing commotion by falling down every three seconds. :)

Good to see you here, TB. See ya tomorrow night!



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Love ‘em! The t-blades took a while to get used to but now I don’t have to worry about getting a bad sharpening (which was a problem at my LHS). They are a very comfortable skate.

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I got mine today and spent some quality time in public skate and with my team. They are a big upgrade from my CCM blacktacks and feel more like a solid skate. The first thing I noticed when I put them on was how comfortable the boot is. It is very conformed, but has plenty of give. I am going to bake them tonight and play on them tomorrow. I will write up a full review in a month or so.

P.S. I bought them from Jason (SalmingUSA) on ebay.. shipping was fast and he was more than helpful. If you are thinking about getting a pair, dont hesitate :)

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