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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need wood stick to OPS advice

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Background - 6'4", 225 lbs, novice/beginner skater in beer league and I play any position thats open.

OK, I have been playing for 2.5 years now and this season I have been breaking my wood stick every 3-4 weeks. My current stick has a permanent bend near the bottom and it has really lost some "snap" after only two weeks. I am currently thinking about buying an OPS or composite shaft/blade combo but I have never used one before. If I am breaking wood sticks every 3-4 weeks, will an OPS break just as much or should I try to find a more durable wood stick? The wood sticks have broke both at the shaft or at the blade, no real pattern to it.

I am currently using an Easton Hybrid with a 70 flex. I really like them, but know they make stiffer sticks. Will a Easton Hybrid in a 95 or 110 flex be more durable than an OPS?

The OPS's I have been looking at are the TPS Adrenaline or Response +, and the Mission M-1.

Any advice would be great. Thanks.

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All three of those are excellent choices, I would suggest trying a Nike Apollo. They are very durable, and are on closeout prices, they come in 87 flex, and are a little heavier for a OPS so they will feel a little more like wood but still perform like a OPS does.

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I'd wait for the Mission Pulse.

How is the Mission Pulse going to be different than the M-1? The Mission M-1 is the only Mission stick I have been able to see and feel.

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Considering your size, it sounds like you are using a stick that has too much flex for you.

I would suggest trying a 100 flex wood stick before investing in an OPS.

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I like shaft with wood blade combo but I still like my Winnwell pink stick better :P

I get a 3-4 uses out of a $20 wood blade before it goes soft and/or gets all hacked up. (yes, I remove the wet tape after each use)

It makes sense to use a composite blade for durability since I've had good experience with them lasting forever.

What I want is the strength of composite but the feel of wood. Therefore, I am left with the TPS Adrenaline or Mission Pulse.

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