pldhockey4 0 Report post Posted February 6, 2006 im taking the act on saturday and i was wondering if any of you all have taken it, if so, can you please offer some adive and or tips? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nelly 0 Report post Posted February 6, 2006 This isn't something that I would really recommend, but it worked for me. The first time I took it and hadn't slept the night before (hockey game and then just wasn't tired so I played halo). I performed well, but not as good as I could have. (Think it was a 26) I took it a few more times and tried to take it seriously and actually studied the week before and all that crap and scored a 25, 24, and was terrible on my part. The last time I took it, I just said to myself "I'm just gona show up and do what I can do, thats it. Its not the end of the world." So I went out with some of my buddies the night before, stayed up all night playing pool, cards, Halo, and drinking. I actually fell asleep during my reading comprehension! LoL Anyways my principal called me into his office a few weeks later and I thought I was introuble or something and thought that he might have found out that I showed up to the ACT drunk. He had something in his hand, told me to sit down and dropped it on the desk in front of me and asked me to explain it to him. I looked and saw a composite score of 34!!! I was speechless!Bottomline, I didn't live up to my potential when I worried about it and did when I didn't care. Tests like that are not the best way to measure your intelligence or ability, rather its more about your ability to take tests. I have seen people smarter than me fail miserably in tests because they can't express themselves properly or can't handle that type of pressure. It may not be what suits you, but it worked for me. I think Van Wilder once said "Don't take life too seriously....You'll never get out alive." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pldhockey4 0 Report post Posted February 6, 2006 i dotn think i am going to study too much, i am just going to go thist ime to see what i know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nelly 0 Report post Posted February 6, 2006 Just make absolutely sure that you fill in EVERYTHING, you may be surprised to find out how much you might get right by guessing or filling in the bubbles at random. But keep in mind to only do this when you are about out of time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
teamriot38 0 Report post Posted February 6, 2006 or here's a thought.....don't show up to the ACT test drunk, sleep deprived, smelling like ass. Or you know do what he said. Study up on your trig and other higher end math stuff. I took it before i did trig and got a 21 and once after my trig semester and bumpd it up to a 25. If your school offers ACT prep courses like study groups specifically for the ACT, take advantage of them. It sounds geeky but it works wonders. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nelly 0 Report post Posted February 6, 2006 LoL Cody I was just offering input to him that worked for me! For some reason some people seem to perform better in those situations when they don't take things too seriously. Also those ACT prep classes can actually work wonders. That class helped considerably to boost my score. Also work on timing yourself for homework that you do so that you are used to getting things done at a quick pace. Work on your reading too since the whole test involves reading. I know I know you pry read extremely well like most of us should, but the quicker you can read and the more you take in during that time, the better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
analog999 0 Report post Posted February 6, 2006 Just curious as I have not taken tests for years... is the ACT basically the same thing as the SAT? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nelly 0 Report post Posted February 6, 2006 Yes. They are both entrance exams that colleges look at, some prefer one, some the other. They have much different scoring models though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pldhockey4 0 Report post Posted February 6, 2006 wich is easier? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nelly 0 Report post Posted February 6, 2006 Im not sure if one is easier than the other (I only took the ACT), but it mainly depends on what schools you are trying to get into for which you should take. Schools usually only look at one over the other; while some will look at both. Your best bet is to talk to the schools your looking at to find out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gongshow11 1 Report post Posted February 6, 2006 ACT is way easier Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JSchultz 27 Report post Posted February 7, 2006 ACT is way easier And I believe focuses less on literature/language comprehension, yes?Not that it mattered to me much. I did an average job on mine (23), but didn't need it, as I did community college, then into private school. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites