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Bauer 0ne90's on Ebay?

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I have been looking at new skates, and came across these. Too wide for me, but I thought you guys might find it interesting. I saw the other threads on these skates and was suprised to come accross a pair on Ebay.

Will the 190s be better than the Vapor skates. Is this skate going to supersede the Vapor line?


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dude lol, where have you been? this has been posted twice already, theres a billion topics on the supreme one90's. try searching for them, or like for topics on nikebauer hockey.

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dude lol, where have you been? this has been posted twice already, theres a billion topics on the supreme one90's. try searching for them, or like for topics on nikebauer hockey.

Where has he been? He just registered today, give him some slack.

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dude lol, where have you been? this has been posted twice already, theres a billion topics on the supreme one90's. try searching for them, or like for topics on nikebauer hockey.

If you read my post, you would have noticed I mentioned the other threads about the Bauer skates.

The main reason I posted was to point out that a skate that is not even available yet is for sale on EBAY. ;) Correct me if I am wrong, but I have not seen any post about the new Bauers on EBAY.

I have read most of the post in the 190s (not all one billion that you mentioned) and I have not found any info on where this skate sits in the Bauer line.

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I apologize. I have found another thread about these skates on EBAY.

Although the search feature is great, it does not take all spellings in consideration. It also pulls up at least 200 other threads that have something in common with "Bauer".

Thanks for the nice welcome. :)

I will try to be more thorough next time.

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I appologize. I have found another thread about these skates on EBAY.

Although the search feature is great, it does not take all spellings in consideration. It also pulls up at least 200 other threads that have something in common with "Bauer".

Thanks for the nice welcome. :)

I will try to be more thorough next time.

its alright, i know how it feels to make an already used topic.

your welcome by the way!

and good luck

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I appologize. I have found another thread about these skates on EBAY.

Although the search feature is great, it does not take all spellings in consideration. It also pulls up at least 200 other threads that have something in common with "Bauer".

Thanks for the nice welcome. :) 

I will try to be more thorough next time.

its alright, i know how it feels to make an already used topic.

your welcome by the way!

and good luck

I guess if I spent more time on here instead of skating everyday, I would have known about the previous post...LOL.

BTW, does anyone know where this skate sits in the Bauer line? It sounds like the Vapors will still be available. Looks wise, this skate reminds me of the Mission L7.

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The Vapor XXX is still around, but other than that the One90 i believe is the new 'Top of the Line'

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After a little research I found that the 0ne90 is a wider skate. Its replacing the old 90 series skates. That pretty much answers my question. The 8090s are too wide for me. I feel much better in the Vapors.

Thanks for the replies.

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