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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 80-90 skates. . .

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It was great - has a lot of potential. The weight is absolutely sick. It was too shallow for a lot of people at the MSH skate - I don't know if the final product will be like that - these were Bauer-branded ONE90s. I should be getting mine soon.

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It was great - has a lot of potential. The weight is absolutely sick. It was too shallow for a lot of people at the MSH skate - I don't know if the final product will be like that - these were Bauer-branded ONE90s. I should be getting mine soon.

Awesome , I can't wait to see them in person. A buddy of mine (who I turned to this site) Fastg , Is a real skate guy, he has 2 pair of xxx and just bought a pair of Pro Tacks of all things ? He loves them ! I am sure he will get One90's soon enough. Personally I love my 8090's just had lots of holder /steel problems. due to the price I can get the 1500c's for , I may try them at some time ?

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@ gongshow4sure and hurricane :

I didn't say that they've got the same fit ;) ;)

I did'nt say you did. just pointed out the obvious difference.

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the padding in the 8090's is really comfortable and forms to your feet well, so unless you have any outstanding fit issues (a hot spot on the ankle for example)or get a bake for free, you don't need to do it. i only baked mine because it was free

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