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Russian inventor patents invisibilty cloak

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I remember seeing a story about Japanese scientists working on it a couple years ago. It was on CNN and their product looked to be pretty similar.

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Really? The story I saw about some asian guys was that they were using fiber optics to route the image through a coat. From the sound of the article, this guy is actually moving atoms into another frequency. Another thing entirely from the article I saw. I wonder how real it is.

Thanks for the link.

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you're all thinking it so i'm gonna say it....Girls locker room here i come!

this could bring terrorism to a new level if it gets to the wrong people.

if you cant see tehm, you cant blame them.

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Yippie!!! Now I can finally get those new skates I've been looking for!!!...Oh yeah can't forget about the Ferrari :blink:

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I do not doubt that one day technology will exist to do just what this guy has stated. Read up on quantum physics. IF the story is true, and he really can make non-moving objects "disappear" then I am sure he is doing it to a small object that is made of all the same molecules.

Similar experiments in the past have reportedly resulted in the disappearance of larger objects. See the Philadelphia experiment, etc.

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I call hoax, No offense to the great country of Russia but alot of their news sites are about as reliable as the Weekly World News. That photo doesn't even match the description. If the invention only works on static objects why does the picture show a guy wearing an "invisibility cloak?" Looks just like that is a photo of the Japanese one they just "borrowed." (For those that don't know, the japanese cloak was more of a parlor trick than anything revolutionary. It relied on external cameras and projectors to project the background onto a wearable screen.)

Favorite quote: "Gadomsky had been long experimenting on nanoparticles of gold. He now claims to have invented a sub-micron stratum of microscopical colloid golden particles that makes an object placed behind it invisible to an observer."

If you place an object behind his invention, you can't see it any more, amazing!! Strange, it sounds like something I already have at home, it's called: a wall.


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