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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hi everyone, I've used razors all my life, because I liked the close shave. I am contemplating getting an electric b/c my brother got one and says its incredibly faster and cuts just as close as a razor would. The thing is I don't want to drop as much as a OPS on one an then not like it. Obviously you get what you pay for so I would go all out. Any of you guys have experianced both? What would you reccomend.


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I've had my electric razor almost 5 years. I change the blades once a year and use 'lectric shave. I love it.

I used all the razors before that. Got tired of cutting myself @ 0500 in the AM. I would suggest getting one with a charge meter so you can tell when it's going to die. That way you don't do half your face and it quits on ya. I use a Norelco.

Good luck.

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I have had the pleasure of purchasing the new Gilette Fusion and I must say it is the most comfortable and closest shave I have gotten. There are 5 blades instead of 3 and they are 30% closer to each other than the previous Mach3 Turbo's. Well worth the money. Sam's Club has a good deal on the razor. You can get the manual one (no vibration) and 6 blades for 18 bucks or you can ge the power one (vibration) and 4 blades for the same price. I stuck with the manual but they are both well worth the money!

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I use a Gilette Sensor. I find 2 blades is perfect for me and alot of dermatolagists agree that anything more than 2 is just for show. The mach 3 cut me up big time. I never dared try the Quattro. The Fusion? no chance.

I have a Braun Electric I got for $15 at Menards (yes the home improvement store, they are weird like that sometimes.) I liked it so much I bought 2 more in case one dies. (plus $15 is cheaper than buying new blades.) This proved lucky since a TSA (airport security) dropped mine on a tile floor and it broke the head.

I have used Norelco, Remington, and Braun. I like the Braun the best followed by the Remington with Norelco a dead last. I highly recomend that anyone with thick hairs stay far away from norelcos or any razor with rotary heads. "Lift and cut" is more like "Yank and Rip." Very painful for me, even with new cutters, and esspecially if I skipped a day.) The micro screen system is the way to go in my book.

I use a regular razor most of the time because it cause much less irritation for me. I use an electric only when I travel so I can pack less.

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I completely HATE shaving, but when I do (which is rarely) i just use my trusty ol' Mach 3. My facial hair grows so fast that its not even worth using a razor in the morning since I will just have to use it again in the afternoon. Normally I will just do a quick once over with a Wahl beard trimmer every morning. Plus the ladies seem to like the rough on me more so than the baby face. I sure am not going to complain any. Wax works great on the chest, but hurts like a b*tch, so sometimes I will just break out the Mach 3 or Wahl for it too.

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electric all the way..

get the norelco(usa) or philishave (canada)

they are expensive, but considering the cost of razors and shaving cream over the life time of the electric (5+ years, although my last one lasted 10yrs, just bought a new one, never changed the blades either).. it probably works out even.

takes 1 minute to shave with the norelco, but you key is you have to shave every day.. if you skip a day or 2, you may have to break out the razor.

it actually shaves closer than a razor, unless you shave against the grain (not recommended, ingrown hairs.. etc)

takes your face a month to get used to the electric

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