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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do any online stores still have TPS Rubber shafts?

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I'm trying to stock up on TPS Rubber shafts since they've been discontinued and it's my favorite stick.

Does anyone know of any online stores that have TPS Rubber shafts in whip flex?


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Just a thought, but since your on the internet anyway, why don't you look for yourself?

Uh, I already did, otherwise I wouldn't have made this thread. Most stores either don't have them or only have junior or intermediate sizes.

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Then you have your answer.  Goodday.

Yes, because i'm capable of searching every single one of the online hockey store the internet has to offer. There are a countless number of small online shops that I don't know about which don't show up on google and people here sometimes know about.

If you're not going to offer any help legitimate in this thread, then I respectfully request that you STFU.

Good day.

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