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Hockey Socks

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Anyone know where i can find some of the mesh like hockey socks well just not the knitted cotton like ones and are like the inline jersey material.

Polyester i think it might be?

we get them made by Rhino sports over here in the UK, that might help ;)

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Anyone know where i can find some of the mesh like hockey socks well just not the knitted ones and are like the inline jersey material.

Polyester i think it might be?

Easton makes a great hockey skate sock

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Anyone know where i can find some of the mesh like hockey socks well just not the knitted ones and are like the inline jersey material.

Polyester i think it might be?

Easton makes a great hockey skate sock

I mean like socks to go over shin pads not skate socks btw lol :D

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Anyone know where i can find some of the mesh like hockey socks well just not the knitted ones and are like the inline jersey material.

Polyester i think it might be?

Easton makes a great hockey skate sock

i think he is talking about the ones outside the sin guard.

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We have those for team socks, not bad, from what i have tried (i also live in the U.k. Apart from team orders you can't get them in anything but cotton, which is a pain because those things don't last for s**t

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I have a pair (no pun intended) of them. They are cotton, not mesh. They're alright, but I would rather have Twin City brand ones. They are the best.

I think you can get the mesh ones from Philly Express (Google them to find their site), but you may need to order a certain amount of them.

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Lemme know if you have any luck finding a company that will sell mesh/air knit socks individually. I got 2 pair from the Medicine Hat Tigers a few years ago and I have to say they have been the most durable socks I’ve ever worn.

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anyone heard of pear sox hockey socks?

Yes, they're an hour away from me in Philly. I use their mesh socks in the summer, they're a lot cooler.

I know a place that has some black ones in stock if anyone wants some.

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i emailed hockeyservices.com about a year ago, because they have the philly express team order mesh sock option, and they said they have them in solid colors, it was a year ago, but you never know.

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i emailed hockeyservices.com about a year ago, because they have the philly express team order mesh sock option, and they said they have them in solid colors, it was a year ago, but you never know.

I thought PX was out of business?

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Yes, they're an hour away from me in Philly. I use their mesh socks in the summer, they're a lot cooler.

I know a place that has some black ones in stock if anyone wants some.

Yes, I would like some as well, Chadd.

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