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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 7K stick

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my friend on my team has gone through 7 since the begining of the season.

not very durable.

What kind of team? High school? Juniors? Durability of a stick depends on level and type of play. HS and Juiniors are tough on sticks. Not many can make it thru a few games and all the slashes. The Endures are breaking like toothpics, the SL's, and others similar. Frankly, you guys want light sticks, then complain about durability.

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Playing Midget A ( league for 15 year olds)

were on the ice five times a week so i guess that could be a factor.

but hes not usually such a tank on sticks. he had a synthesis's last for a year...

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my friend on my team has gone through 7 since the begining of the season.

not very durable.

What kind of team? High school? Juniors? Durability of a stick depends on level and type of play. HS and Juiniors are tough on sticks. Not many can make it thru a few games and all the slashes. The Endures are breaking like toothpics, the SL's, and others similar. Frankly, you guys want light sticks, then complain about durability.

Ya I dont think the endures last at all. We got a kid thats not soo big thats gone threw like 3 and a xx this year.

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