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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS P27 pattern

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There was a topic about it a while back. I was told it would be close to a Drury clone or an Easton Darby. Chadd had some RH stuff in the sell section as well I think

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There was a topic about it a while back. I was told it would be close to a Drury clone or an Easton Darby. Chadd had some RH stuff in the sell section as well I think

I must be F**ked in the head, because I am not seeing Drury here. Anyone?

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There was a topic about it a while back. I was told it would be close to a Drury clone or an Easton Darby. Chadd had some RH stuff in the sell section as well I think

P27 is not a drury clone. The only real similarity is that they are both "shallow" curves.

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sorry to bring up old thread but whats the lie on the easton darby?

Assuming the P27 is the same, about 5.5

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