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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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grip tape

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Any tape that adds friction (grip) will wear your palm faster than tape that doesn't add additional friction.

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I think grip tape is harder on your gloves. Colored cloth tape also is pretty hard on your gloves. I prefer electric tape, I like the feel and you can use any color you want with out running your gloves.

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i have been using electrical tape for years,helps the palms last longer,notice most gloves if not all gloves have a double palm now.

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This kid on my team had Clarino palms (from a ccm glove) and not only did it completely colour his palm, it was also very sticky but grip tape is for the pros and the pros dont mind it just because they dont pay a cent for their gloves or anything.

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I've been using grip tape for about a year now, and it hasn't really messed my palms up at all. It turned it red and added a tiny hole on my thumb, but that is it.

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