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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Adrenaline

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Is there anyone outthere that has played and praticed with the TPS Adrenaline OPS stick .Maybe also with the Sundin pattern and regular flex.

Whats your opinion if you compare with other high end OPS.

I see that both peranis and 1-1800 have a wery good deal at thoose sticks 234.99 for 2 comes down to a reasonable price.

Thanks for your help guys..... ;) ;)

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Is there anyone outthere that has played and praticed with the TPS Adrenaline OPS stick .Maybe also with the Sundin pattern and regular flex.

Whats your opinion if you compare with other high end OPS.

I see that both peranis and 1-1800 have a wery good deal at thoose sticks 234.99 for 2 comes down to a reasonable price.

Thanks for your help guys..... ;) ;)

That price is well below normal wholesale dealer price.

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Hi guys thanks but still is there anyone outthere playing with this stick that can make antthing that looks like pro's and con's.

I have been looking trough all earlier posts and can't find so mutch that is really about the Adrenaline and performance and duradility..

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Yeah I am Playing with the intermediat messier. I love it.

Pros: -Nice kick-point easy to get those quick snap-shots off.

-thick blade,havn't had any problems with cracking or chipping like i have with my other ops's.

cons: Nothing really that I can think of at the moment, but im sure there is some. I mean what stick dosn't. I'm sure there is going to be something wrong with it in the next week here.

But I trully do love this stick and is you are a tps fan and have used a messier curve before, I would highly recomend it.

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