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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Effed up my skates...

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So I took my graf 705 skates w/ teclite to esporta. Its like a cleaning place for hockey gear in edmonton.

ive never had problems with any discoloration on the other equipment/skates ive had cleaned but this time my skates are screwed.

So My dad brings them home and says wow that was pricey. Im like how much did it cost? he said nothing because your skates are screwed.

I was pretty upset seeing how I paid for my skates. The grey teclite turned a very very lite white. Like im talking a snow white.

Dad says to brush it out so I grab some kind of leather brush and ive been brushing for about 3 hours tonight and the color is sort of coming back.

any suggestions?

Thanks guys,

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I thought about that but they just look kinda fruity white like that.

its not cool looking like the great white or white lightning.

gahhh it is starting to come out tho.

looks like im going to have a long night

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I dont even fricking have the camera here. My mom is out and took it.

im so mad. they look brutal still but yet getting better slolwly. if that made sense.

Frick im such an idiot for getting my stuff cleaned. never again.

There was blood baked into my right skate that is why i needed to get them cleaned.

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Did they mention any risks before cleaning them? I mean di you sign something? If it's a big big hockey store maybe your dad could threaten them for a new pair.... Say you want a new pair or you'll bring em in court :D

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yea except the owners of it have a son on my brothers team and give us a deal on it whenever we get it cleaned.

We dont want to start something big like that anyway

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yea except the owners of it have a son on my brothers team and give us a deal on it whenever we get it cleaned.

We dont want to start something big like that anyway

Yea, i understand that, i was only 1/4 serious anyway B)

Still sucks for you, what are you going to do?

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I had to do something with my kid's skates because he had some sort of fungus infection on his feet that would not go away. I ran the vapor xxx's through a sani sport cleaner, and they cleaned them just fine and there was no damage whatsoever, not even a little rusting discoloration.

If you need to do the skates, I guess sanisport is the preferred vendor. I would not do it often, but once or twice should be ok.

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