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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Issue

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I've been noticing this problem recently that my right skate/foot always hurt when I'm in a game. It'll be ok for my first couple of shifts, but then my foot starts to hurt and like turn out. It never feels straight. What could it be?

I'm wearing CCM Externo 50s, they were a year old in August. 8.5m

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It could be a bent blade or improperly aligned holder. Compare it with your left skate that doesn't bother you to see if they are symmetrical. Another thing to think about, your right foot tends to be bigger than your left so there could be fit issues. Some folks have to go so far as to wear two different sized skates.

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It could be any number of different problems as you haven't really given that much information other than the fact that your right foot hurts. How does it hurt? Where does it hurt? Is the hurt a fatigue type hurt or more of a sharp type of pain? These things would help people get a better idea of what could be wrong.

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I have a game Sunday, which I will pay more attention to it to make an accurate post.

I'd have to say its on the sides for the most part and its more pain then anything, not fatigue.

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It could be the boots have softened up and because your right foot is a little bigger, that is causing the discomfort. Try not tying your skate so tight and see if the problem continues.

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