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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tuuk Holders on Eastons?

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I have decided go buy Easton Air skates, but I dispise the holders. I really like the bood though, very comfy. I have Nike Quest 3's (size 9) with Tuuk holders on, that I don't use, would they fit on the Eastons (about a size 10)?

Thanks guys! :)

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My guess would be around $60 unless you can find some on ebay. Then you might be able to get them for $30 or so.

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Usually a holder will fit by whole sizes, like 7-7.5 and so on. To know for sure, look at the holder and it should tell you a number and thats the one you use. I am almost positive that a 7.5 will fit a 7 and vice versa.

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i have a question like that too

i have a 7.5ee bauer tuuk lightspeeds, would it fit a 7 E ccm vector?

Flip the skates over and see what size the holders are on the CCMs.

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