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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shoulder Protection

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Although I play no-check leagues there is still plenty of contact. Butt ends into the sternum in front of the net etc.

All I really want is to protect my sternum and ribs from sharp stick edges.

Is the Mission Thorax (or anything like it) a decent pad for protection from such hits? No LHS around Boston carries it so I don't want to waste $40 online.


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I would just get a pair of low-end shoulder pads, like a DR SP15, that have a plastic insert at the sternum and spine. Then just cut off the shoulder caps and/or biceps. You end up with a nice "flak jacket" without the bulk of full-on shoulders.

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I'll second what Chadd suggested. Those roller padded shirts don't really add much protection, in my experience. The padding is so thin that a butt end to the ribs would still do a lot of damage.

Pick out a pair of shoulder pads that give protection, including the spine and lower sternum and stomach (some shoulder pads have a "belly pad" that is adjustable/removable"). Then cut off the shoulder caps, or remove the padding and leave the material covering the shoulders. I've been thinking of trying to replace the shoulder caps in my pads with something lightweight so I'd still have some protection.

Another option I've thought about is getting a pair of lightweight lacrosse pads.

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I wore the Tour upper body shirt for a while playing ice, it worked out great. Have since switched to the Itech SP50 sr. shoulder pad, definitely check it out.

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