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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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boney ankles

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My son has been wearing the vapor IV's for about six months with no problems at all. All of the sudden one of his ankles keeps getting bruised from the way his foot sits in the boot. I had my skate guy try to punch it but it didn't work because it was so close to the eyelets. It seems the heel isn't deep enough and the foot is to far forward. He is a size 3.1/2,what would be a good skate or solution. Thanks

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My son has been wearing the vapor IV's for about six months with no problems at all. All of the sudden one of his ankles keeps getting bruised from the way his foot sits in the boot. I had my skate guy try to punch it but it didn't work because it was so close to the eyelets. It seems the heel isn't deep enough and the foot is to far forward. He is a size 3.1/2,what would be a good skate or solution. Thanks

He is interested in a new skate though...

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