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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kor Toe Cap Problem

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I've had my pair of Kor skates since the middle of last summer and I just now noticed that the carbon part of both the skates is not connected to the toe part of the skates...I can move the bottom part of the skate with my hand so I know that they are split. Does anyone think that I should contact Kor with this problem or should I be fine? I was hoping that these skates would last me longer then less then a year...

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I've had my pair of Kor skates since the middle of last summer and I just now noticed that the carbon part of both the skates is not connected to the toe part of the skates...I can move the bottom part of the skate with my hand so I know that they are split. Does anyone think that I should contact Kor with this problem or should I be fine? I was hoping that these skates would last me longer then less then a year...

I'd contact them, and ask. Most skates only have a 90-day warranty on the boot, and 1 yr on the holder/steel. Any toe cap on ANY brand skate can come loose if a shot is taken directly on the toe or slammed into the boards, so I wouldn't call it a "defect", rather normal wear and tear.

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I've had my pair of Kor skates since the middle of last summer and I just now noticed that the carbon part of both the skates is not connected to the toe part of the skates...I can move the bottom part of the skate with my hand so I know that they are split.  Does anyone think that I should contact Kor with this problem or should I be fine?  I was hoping that these skates would last me longer then less then a year...

I'd contact them, and ask. Most skates only have a 90-day warranty on the boot, and 1 yr on the holder/steel. Any toe cap on ANY brand skate can come loose if a shot is taken directly on the toe or slammed into the boards, so I wouldn't call it a "defect", rather normal wear and tear.

yea i figured, but i hoped that since its considered a one piece boot that it wouldnt do that, but owell

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The main part of the boot is one piece but the toe cap is seperate, just like all other skates. As I said, give them a call, they may be able to repair it for you.

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