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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which blade curve...

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Which blade curve/pattern would you start a 4-6 year beginner with? Looking for opinions and/or recommendations. Would it be better to start them with a straight blade (i.e. Modano) or a different blade (i.e. Drury)?

Thanks in advance.

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The curve that is the least curved. Modano/forsberg is a good example. You want to teach the young'uns how to have good shot mechanics and a good backhand before letting them loose with the big open faces and deep curves.

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I would suggest a straight blade until you find out if they are a natural righty or lefty. After that keep them in small curves to they learn how to shoot, pass and stickhandle with both sides of the blade.

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Thanks, Chadd and kkancho!

Which manufacturers make straight blades? And what patterns should I look for?

If Crosby uses a straight blade, then would that be Sherwood?

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I saw a CCM one that is all Corsair colored blue(plane in 1945's WWII)that is a straight blade for Youths at a Walmart in Vancouver. Can't describe the color well but I have something similiar with a thornton blade. I have a 242 HEAT CCM stick. That should give you a start.

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I've seen some Sherwood Crosby blades at costco priced at 2 for $20

Sherwood Crosby's used to be an open heel curve.

You'll want to look into Junior bauer sticks. The one I have in my basement from a long time ago is straight. Junior Impact 200 I believe is the model on it.

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Thanks, Chadd and kkancho!

Which manufacturers make straight blades? And what patterns should I look for?

If Crosby uses a straight blade, then would that be Sherwood?

At one point we had some Itechs that were straight that also had a very small shaft diameter.

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Thanks for all the input, guys!

As of the moment I have the following manufacturers that I would like to look into:





If anyone sees any straight blades on any of the internet shops or pics of sticks with straight blades, please send me the link as I don't have any access to hockey shops in my country. Brand and exact stick models also appreciated if you don't have any other info.

Thanks, again!

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