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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hi, i am wondering whether to get the vapor xx or vector pros. i am a skater who bends my knees alot. i skate very low. durability is not much of an issue. i am going for performance. they both feel pretty comfortable. which skate would you say fits my style of skating.

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Too many factors to decide before you choose: what kind of skate are you coming from, width of your foot, etc. I have XXs but if you were on CCM stay with them. You should stay with the same manufacturer of skate unless you don't mind getting re-adjusted to a new brand that fits different.

That's a blanket statement saying XXs break down--that depends on your weight, how you skate, how many times you skate.

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I guess you could say its a blanket statment, but based purely off of CB/MSH, people of all different sizes, abilities, and frequencies have broken down their XXs. I've seen this in person, too.

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yeah, ive seen a lot of vapor xxs break down 'round here. some had problems with the screws in the holders and boots wearing out. and one guy slid into the corner with another person and the other guys skate cut right thru the back part of the skate, above the heel, and he ended up having a big cut n getting stitches. id love to try a pair, but i dont have the money to buy like 2 pairs a yr or so

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Guest chickmagnet_999

well i skate with my knees bent and im using graf 705 with t blades at the moment right now. I found that the easton z-air pro or any other easton skates were good for having your knees bent.

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I'm starting to see some Vector Pro skates coming in that are breaking down as well. So i don't know that i would say they are much better than the xx's....if any. I don't wear either skate, I just wouldn't want you to buy the Vector's over the Vapors thinking you were getting a better quality skate. Quality wise (durablity), i think the two skates are pretty similar. If you are set on one of those two skates, pic the one that you find most comfortable and go with it.

Best of luck to ya.

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I'm starting to see some Vector Pro skates coming in that are breaking down as well. So i don't know that i would say they are much better than the xx's....if any. I don't wear either skate, I just wouldn't want you to buy the Vector's over the Vapors thinking you were getting a better quality skate. Quality wise (durablity), i think the two skates are pretty similar. If you are set on one of those two skates, pic the one that you find most comfortable and go with it.

Best of luck to ya.

my philosiphy with skates is that performance and durability are two opposite qualities. If you are looking for a high performance skate, such as the vector pros or XX's, i don't think you should be too concerned with durability. If you are looking for durability, look towards a pair of supremes or missions or tacks (i haven't heard any problems about these). If you are set on vectors or XX's, find the one that suites your fit and is more comfortable

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