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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Unable to connect

Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at www.mozilla.org.

* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few


* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network


* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure

that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

I always get this when I try to open a page on firefox, but I have no clue why. Any Suggestions?

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I used to have the same problem it was from my nortan internet security firewall. If you have this, it could be your problem. From the internet security menu go to person firewall, click configure than move the slider to low. This solved my problem and I hope it will solve yours.

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Norton is evil, avoid it at all costs

Yep. I'd say to uninstall it, but that's easier said than done.

And yes, it could be your firewall blocking it, but you should've been prompted for the security level when you run it the first time.

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Norton is evil, avoid it at all costs

Yep. I'd say to uninstall it, but that's easier said than done.

And yes, it could be your firewall blocking it, but you should've been prompted for the security level when you run it the first time.

I've seen Norton uninstalls render a computer non-functional.

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Since this topic is already started I just want to tell people that there are cheaper, faster, more lighweight and plain old better applications than Norton. You can find a test that PC World did by clicking here. I suggest the following Windows apps to be the safest:

Broswer: Firefox

Antivirus: BitDefender 9 Standard or AVG FREE

Firewall: Zone Alarm or Kerio Personal Firewall

Spyware: Windows Defender

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bugmenot is a great extention which allows you to login to different websites using login details from a large database. So if you ever go to a specific newspaper website and want to read member-only content, instead of registering, you can simple go to the login screen, right click and bugmenot will login using public login details from their database.

Open in IE is also great if you want to use Firefox want also need Internet Explorer for certain websites. Some websites force you to use IE or they just work better in IE so with this extension you simple go to the site, click the "switch to ie" icon and it renders the page right in Firefox as if it was IE viewing it. Of course when you view pages with the IE extension the same security risks apply as if you were just using IE.

Fasterfox optimizes your setting to make pages load faster.

Gmail Notifier instantly shows if you have new mail in your Gmail account.

Googlepedia is amazing! Whenever you search Google, your search results will be on the left side and a Wikipedia article will be on the right. The engine uses your search term to find the most likely article. The best thing about it is that it really doesn't take up useless space since the wikipedia pane goes right over top of the advertisements that Google gives you. If at anytime you would rather see the results or the wikipedia article full page, you simple click the arrows and they instantly collapse/expand.

I have so many more too.

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