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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fit on Vapor XX vs. XXX

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Had 2 pairs of Vapor XX's (both of which fell apart after about a year or so) and was an 8 1/2 EE....perfect fit. Recently tried on a pair of XXX's in the same size and they were too short. So went to a 9 EE and the length is right but now they seem a bit wide.

Did the sizing change a bit between the XX's and the XXX's? Also is it possible that since I seem to have gone up a size I don't need the width? I am an adult and my foot is not growing.

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Let's see.. you had two Vap XX that fell apart after a year and you want to stay with a Bauer??? Why not try a different brand?

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If he paid $450 US, used the XX 4 x a week for 52 weeks = $ 2.16 to lace up XX each ice time and be satisfied with fit and performance, I don't see a problem with trying XXX. Why switch brands?

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