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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy 1300c skate blade

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i recently bought a pair of Synergy 1300 skates about 3 weeks ago. I play hockey about 3 or 4 tiems a week for my highschool team. I am noticing that the bottom of the blade of the skates are getting all chippy and scrateched up. They also feel like they are made of some cheap crappy matal. Its called the Razr blade 2 or something, but I would like to know if anybody else has had problems with the blade system of the synergy 1300 skates. thanks

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Easton steel is pretty bad to say the least.

If you're really concerned and want to switch holders, Pitch and Custom+ holders will bolt up with the same bolt patterns.

If you are going to go this route, I'd suggest Pitch, as it's known for having excellent steel, just get it radiused to your current 9' and you'll be all set.

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I haven't had any problems with my blades at all. Still using the Razor Bladz and they've been excellent. If I ever switch I'll definitely consider the Pitch 3 holder and steel though.

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first thing i did to my 1300's was ripped thoes holders off and threw light speeds on them, easton holders/steel is awful

the lightspeed steel isn't that much better :(

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