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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Next Shift

A company looking out for the players' well being

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Hi guys. I am new to the squad, and met Chadd at the trade show in Vegas a month ago. As a former pro player, I am often asked what players do once they are done playing. The transition is often a knagging, tough time of indecision and panick to be quite honest. Often players play a few years longer than their knees and shoulders would like them to. For others its a great opportunity to tackle new challenges. Fortunately I fell somehow into the latter category. I wanted to write and give this group some insight into a great option players have been presented, under the guidance of our company, Next Shift. Have a look at the site, www.nextshiftllc.com, and it will hopefully bring up some good discussions, opinions, and questions. to our culture we all share, Next Shift.

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From the website:

"To qualify as an accredited investor a person must have a net worth of $1,000,000 or an income of $250,000 per year for no less than a period of 2 years."

Seeing how I play beer league and make a lot less than that (and I mean a LOT less) I don't quite qualify. But good luck with that.

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MODS: What, we're not allowed to ask who he is or not allowed to notify him that his spelling is unprofessional? I wasn't even ragging on him - just trying to point out that he should be careful when talking about his business.

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