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Grade 12 Course Selection

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Having trouble filling out my course selection sheet for next year and was wondering if anyone knew where I could find out what courses I need to take if I want to go to university in Ontario for either accounting or law, most likely accounting or something similar in the business field?

Any websites or direct information that provide the requirements would be greatly appreciated.


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Having trouble filling out my course selection sheet for next year and was wondering if anyone knew where I could find out what courses I need to take if I want to go to university in Ontario for either accounting or law, most likely accounting or something similar in the business field?

Any websites or direct information that provide the requirements would be greatly appreciated.


talking to your guidance councellor would probly be your best bet on finding out what you need to take. they should be able to help you out.

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My advice is to take a full course load, dont take a bunch of easy blow off classes like cooking or fill up with study hall. It keeps your mind sharp and looks better on your applications.

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Take your accounting courses and whaever else you'll need in a University level. From there, just take the ones that look the best and most enjoyable. We needed 6 "u" courses I believe to get into University.

You will not get into a "law" program at this point, as it is a post-University degree. You can take any course and apply, but Political Science is generally the route most people take to get into it. It's just about getting high marks and meeting the requirements at this points.

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So even if I took 5 "u" (English, Functions, Algebra and Geometry, Law, Economics) and 2 "m" (Accounting, International Business) courses because business classes are only offered at the Univeristy/College level I wouldn't be able to get into Univeristy? I will have to look into that myself with the guidence counsellor, don't want to have 3 classes and a spare first semester then find out I need to have 6 "u" classes and no room to add another in my timetable second semester.

If I were to go into Political Science like you mentioned what would the requirements be for that in terms of actual Science courses, only have Chem in the Grade 11 level so needing Bio or Physics could be sending me back for a 5th year anyways.

Thanks for the feedback so far, have enough info at this point to hand in the sheet with a rough idea of what my classes will be, can always change later if I act early in terms of a guidence appointment.

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Poli sci isn't science at all, I took a world issues class, but thats about it. Most of the humanities/social sciences are very loose on requirements. Get a brochure from the Universities you are looking into or check on their websites. For the record my Poli Sci class was just awful, but it definately has potential to be better and first year is supposed to be the "Dry-est" because they want the basics out of the way.



for info on each university and requirements

I'm not sure how the 'M' courses work, I think you'll be alright if it is all they offer.

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to get into a university in ontario you need, 6 u or m courses plus the course prereqs, i am also signing up for my grade 12 courses and am going to apply to political science and then eventually law, the only prereq is enlgish 4u, plus 5 other u or m courses, universites look at u and m courses the same way, jsut take what interests you most and will get you the best makrs

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If your school offers both a 'U' and an 'M' course go for the University because they will not look at it the same it both are offered. If only one is, they don't have a choice, but they usually add (or deduct for M) a percentage of your grade when applying for University.

I've been told 10-15% is added if you took U courses and want to go into college. I believe 5% if you took M courses.

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