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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cheap Shaft(Yzerman) and Koho blade

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I bought my Yzerman shaft this Christmas. I paired it up with the Koho 2260 abs blade. At first I was really excited because of the whip I would be getting (80 flex) so at home I would flex it and see how much whip I could get. Everytime I flexed it I would hear a slight cracking sound (nothing too major) so I didnt think too much of it. Now after 25 games I decided to check if their was any shaft damage, So I check the entire shaft and right where the shaft meats the blade I noticed a 1 inch crack, so I think the Koho blade's hozel is reamaining stiff why the shaft which is carbon/glass is a weaker material and is starting to crack. Does this happen to any other shafts? Where the blade is stiff and the shaft is made poorly and a crack starts to develop. Right now the blade is still intact and show no signs of even moving which is because of the glue but as the crack gets bigger I predict that the shaft will just completly weaken and the blade will get lanched out with a small piece of shaft attached to it. So has this ever happened to anyone and does this happen to higher end shafts like graphite/kevlar shafts?

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yeah that sounds like something that happened to me, i had an ultra carbon and it lasted well. but i looked at it last month and i had a blade at it that said brendal.now i all i can see i half and a N and dal. its all cracked open and the bottom so its goin to the trash can

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I broke my yzerman shaft in 2 spots at once at the same time. There junk. where the red "e" logo is at the top it broke a little bit enough that it would move a little , and down right in the middle of the word EASTON it broke almost the entire way through, the only thing still together is the one side, so it flops like crazy. I would say just spend the money on a good shaft and you wont have to worry.

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I've had "cheap" Easton shafts and I have no complaints. I have an Yzerman (80 Flex). I did crack near the blade end, so I flipped it over and have had no problems since. I also have a 9001 Carbon (Orange one - 100 Flex). Both have Shanny wood blades...again no complaints. Mind you, I'm just a pick up, rec guy...no real competitive league or anything.

I've been keeping my eyes open on Ebay for a cheap cut down Synergy Shaft...see how the other half lives.

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This is why I just spend my money on better sticks. I figure, I was breaking 1 stick a week (wood) before I started using OPS. These sticks I was using were $35 CDN. There is 6 months (roughly) to a season. 6*4= 24. 24*35= a whopping $840. I go through 2 or 3 OPS during a season. 250*3= 750. Saving almost $100 on sticks, and getting alot better preformance sounds good to me, no?

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This is why I just spend my money on better sticks. I figure, I was breaking 1 stick a week (wood) before I started using OPS. These sticks I was using were $35 CDN. There is 6 months (roughly) to a season. 6*4= 24. 24*35= a whopping $840. I go through 2 or 3 OPS during a season. 250*3= 750. Saving almost $100 on sticks, and getting alot better preformance sounds good to me, no?

just bought a broken m-1, love it, itz amazin. no way i will ever go back to anything you can get at canadain tire

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This is why I just spend my money on better sticks. I figure, I was breaking 1 stick a week (wood) before I started using OPS. These sticks I was using were $35 CDN. There is 6 months (roughly) to a season. 6*4= 24. 24*35= a whopping $840. I go through 2 or 3 OPS during a season. 250*3= 750. Saving almost $100 on sticks, and getting alot better preformance sounds good to me, no?

just bought a broken m-1, love it, itz amazin. no way i will ever go back to anything you can get at canadain tire

What makes the m-1 so good, I have only heard good things about it but cant figure out why, and broken 1 pieces are usally really stiff.

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Guest Datsyuk*13

Yah it used to be mine it was way to stiff for me but Kipper is a bigger guy so i can see why he likes it.

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