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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blade Cracking

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I posted this in the depths of another topic but never got any responses, so sorry if you're reading this twice, but..

I use a 115 flex Easton Shaft (older, red in color - forget the name) and 950 Sherwood Replacement blades.

All of my blades breaks by slowly developing a crack that is parallel to the ground, and run from the tip of the blade into the heel.

Am I using a shaft that is too stiff for the blade, or am I using the wrong lie?

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first off what surface to you play on.. and do you tape your stick. It very well could be the lie of the blade and how you release the puck off your stick. The reason im asking you if you tape your stick and what surface you play on is because if your playing on a outdoor surface with a wood blade no wonder why your blades cracking. Of course how you release the puck and the lie could go hand in hand of how quick the blade is cracking. I find with my synergy, the toe of the blade doesnt crack and chip as much if i put tape on the toe. Hope this helps.

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Does the blade start cracking either at the heel or toe before the crack spreads? I used to get really bad wear at the heel of my blades so I changed from a lie of 6 (Louisville Tkachuk) to a 5 (Easton Forsberg) and now don't get such bad wear.

If you want any more info then the EPuck Blade Tool is pretty good at explaining things.

I hope this helps

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it's an inch or so above the bottom on the toe of the stick.. It's like the stress I apply to the blade is not where it's designed to witshtand it or something

thanks for the link; I'l make sure to check it out

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Does the blade start cracking either at the heel or toe before the crack spreads?  I used to get really bad wear at the heel of my blades so I changed from a lie of 6 (Louisville Tkachuk) to a 5 (Easton Forsberg) and now don't get such bad wear.

If you want any more info then the EPuck Blade Tool is pretty good at explaining things.

I hope this helps

Tkachuk is a 5 lie and Identical to Modano

Also, it could be the stiffer shaft putting too much force on the blade when you hit the ground OR you take too much floor before you shoot.

BTW, DONT use the Epuck tool. It is very inaccurate. Use the "Pattern DB" on the very top toolbar of the website. It is MUCH more accurate

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Does the blade start cracking either at the heel or toe before the crack spreads?  I used to get really bad wear at the heel of my blades so I changed from a lie of 6 (Louisville Tkachuk) to a 5 (Easton Forsberg) and now don't get such bad wear.

If you want any more info then the EPuck Blade Tool is pretty good at explaining things.

I hope this helps

Tkachuk is a 5 lie and Identical to Modano

Also, it could be the stiffer shaft putting too much force on the blade when you hit the ground OR you take too much floor before you shoot.

BTW, DONT use the Epuck tool. It is very inaccurate. Use the "Pattern DB" on the very top toolbar of the website. It is MUCH more accurate

i was thinking it could be that he's taking up too much of the floor on his shots too.

i'm sure it's correct, but is the length of your stick okay?

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Does the blade start cracking either at the heel or toe before the crack spreads?  I used to get really bad wear at the heel of my blades so I changed from a lie of 6 (Louisville Tkachuk) to a 5 (Easton Forsberg) and now don't get such bad wear.

If you want any more info then the EPuck Blade Tool is pretty good at explaining things.

I hope this helps

Tkachuk is a 5 lie and Identical to Modano

Also, it could be the stiffer shaft putting too much force on the blade when you hit the ground OR you take too much floor before you shoot.

BTW, DONT use the Epuck tool. It is very inaccurate. Use the "Pattern DB" on the very top toolbar of the website. It is MUCH more accurate

1st you're making me worried about my skates, now my blade too?? I'm worried what else might be wrong with my kit!

Thanks for letting me know about the inaccuracy of the EPuck tool.

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it could be your stick is a little long and you're making too much contact with the ground first. i used to do the same. i play defense so i liked having longer sticks. but i would always wear the heel down first. now that i have the right size, it wears evenly and lasts a lot longer.

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