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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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removing rivets

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Use a cutoff tool to remove the rivets but be careful and watch the rivet temperature while doing this. You can call some local hockey shops and order the Graf RMS screws. They're expensive but make it easy to change your blades.

With the RMS screws you will need to open up the holes on your boots. Be extremely careful and test the drill size versus the rms screw size on some different material before drilling into your boot.

Hope this helps.

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removing rivets is not so hard, you just need a pair of plyers, so something that can catch the rivet so you can pull it out... as for drilling holes i would definately go to a pro shop to get that done

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removing rivets is not so hard, you just need a pair of plyers, so something that can catch the rivet so you can pull it out... as for drilling holes i would definately go to a pro shop to get that done

Just yank them out through the boot?!

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Use a cutoff tool to remove the rivets but be careful and watch the rivet temperature while doing this. You can call some local hockey shops and order the Graf RMS screws. They're expensive but make it easy to change your blades.

With the RMS screws you will need to open up the holes on your boots. Be extremely careful and test the drill size versus the rms screw size on some different material before drilling into your boot.

Hope this helps.

Would you recommend doing them one at a time?

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i put a small star screw driver in the middle and just hammerd them out, i just grinded the two coper ones and the two from ones in the toe

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