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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate orthortic's

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Your best bet is probably a podiatrist, but your going to spend an arm and a foot. A better option (and cheaper) is to buy a Superfeet insole or something like that. For the hour or two at a time that you're on the ice it will probably do the trick and you're only going to spend about $30 rather than $300.

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I have custom orthodics prescribed by my chiropractor and made by a company in Toronto called Footmaxx. Luckily, my insurance covered the cost ($500cdn).

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Your best bet is probably a podiatrist, but your going to spend an arm and a foot. A better option (and cheaper) is to buy a Superfeet insole or something like that. For the hour or two at a time that you're on the ice it will definitely do the trick and you're only going to spend about $30 rather than $300.

How can you say something as general as getting superfeet will work? You don't know what foot type he is. Superfeet don't work for everyone.

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Exactly...having your foot mapped by a professional (a lap top hooked up to a mat that you walk on producing a stamp of your foot, along with a physical examination) produces much better, comfortable, and custom results. I know the cost is higher, but as evetyone knows, you generally get what you pay for.

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Your best bet is probably a podiatrist, but your going to spend an arm and a foot.  A better option (and cheaper) is to buy a Superfeet insole or something like that.  For the hour or two at a time that you're on the ice it will definitely do the trick and you're only going to spend about $30 rather than $300.

How can you say something as general as getting superfeet will work? You don't know what foot type he is. Superfeet don't work for everyone.

Obviously getting something custom after a full foot analysis is the better option. I was just simply giving another option that the majority of people who play hockey can afford. I myself have an extreme pronation problem and I can not afford to pay another 300-400 canadian on an insole for my hockey skates as well as my street shoes. So, I put in a Superfeet insole in my skates and they have worked tremendously. I wasn't saying that a Superfeet will do the same thing as a custom made footbed and that a Superfeet will fix all problems. It's just another (cheaper) option, that worked very well for me.

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I don't have a foot problem but I started using store bought insoles in all of my shoes to help fatigue in my feet & back. Which have worked pretty good.

In my hockey skates I stepped up to the Shock Dr. insoles which I like alot. they have a more contored shape with a better arch. I think they were $15 or so.


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For the hour or two at a time that you're on the ice it will definitely do the trick

Maybe its just a grammar thing..but it seems that you do suggest that they will work for eveyone. Maybe substituting "will definitely" for "might" will perhaps make your point clearer.

You're right about the cost of custom orthodics if you don't have some sort of insurance.

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For the hour or two at a time that you're on the ice it will definitely do the trick

Maybe its just a grammar thing..but it seems that you do suggest that they will work for eveyone. Maybe substituting "will definitely" for "might" will perhaps make your point clearer.

You're right about the cost of custom orthodics if you don't have some sort of insurance.

Sorry.. "definitely" wrong use of words

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I'm going to have to agree with the podiatrist option. I tried Superfeet to no avail, and it didn't help. I went to the podiatrist and had customs made. It was the best decision I've ever made. One thing to remember though, it does take time to adjust to inserts. The first two skates I had in orthotics killed my feet. Then, on the third skate, I felt like I had worn them all my life. And yes, they are pricey, but it's kept me from buying tons of skates trying to fix the problem.

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