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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission gloves

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Hi there, i was just wondering if it was worth spending the extra money and getting the helium 1000 instead of the helium 750 gloves. What are the main differnces between these gloves? Anyone had these gloves and had problems with them.

Thanks in advance.

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i have never used or tried them myself but a few of my friends have the 10000 gloves in the white/silver and i must say they do stand out.

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I think Mission discontinued the Helium lineup in their ice hockey line (He750, He550, He350, He150) and now offer them in their roller hockey line (HE10000, HE7500, HE5500, HE1500). I think the He750 is comperable to the HE10000. Nice fitting gloves. Very little break-in time.

I would like to know if there is a difference between roller gloves and ice gloves. I don't think the HE lineup has the same palm as the He lineup had. Does one offer more protection than the other?

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I have the the 750's in white/silver, and they are a great glove. I use them for ice hockey. They seem to be holding up well and they might be the most comfortable glove I've had on my hands. No break in time whatsoever. Look around, I've seen them pretty cheap lately.

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