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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can anyone gimme the P106 Jokinen clones ?

Its kinda urgent.


Nothing exact but the TPS Tucker/Perry and Salming 12 are close

There MUST be more Jokinen clones <_<

It's not a popular pattern for any of the manufacturers who make similar curves.

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Can anyone gimme the P106 Jokinen clones ?

Its kinda urgent.


Nothing exact but the TPS Tucker/Perry and Salming 12 are close

There MUST be more Jokinen clones <_<

It's not a popular pattern for any of the manufacturers who make similar curves.

Okay, i see.

Are there some known pro patterns which are close.

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The main difference was the 12 was round, whereas the Recchi was square. I think there also was a slight difference in either the twist or curve, but whatever it was was very slight.

Jason: The CCM Recchi is a round toe, so how can the model you compared the 12curve against have a square toe?

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Jason: The CCM Recchi is a round toe, so how can the model you compared the 12curve against have a square toe?

That's a darn good question! :o

That was the impression I had when I visited my buddy's shop, although maybe I read my notes backwards and ours is squarer. I'll be at that rink tomorrow so I'll try to compare again.

Assuming my notes were correct, has CCM changed the pattern over time? Is it possible this an older blade?

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TPS Tucker/Perry is definitely the closest I've seen to the Bauer P106.

Difference are that the TPS is more square toe, and Bauer has more rockered heel.

Just saw the Weight the other day.

It is a Mogilny, with a shaved down profile.

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