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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eagle Gloves Hierarchy

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Could someone explain the Eagle gloves hierarchy - which glove is considered the best and so on. I'm replacing a Vaughn glove that I loved, and from what I gather Forte made Vaughn gloves and now does Eagle as well?

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I think it goes, I could be wrong

L series, M series, H series would be the top

Sentry - although this has become more of a lacrosse goalie glove then anything



X-70, Fusion



However, they all have different fits and everything so its hard to say which is better.

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They're all different. Eagle is Forte.

JR, if i remember Vaughn didnt have to many different types of glove. It was like 3 (that i knew of) and i got the "best" ones they made. F5500 or something- it was before they changed to Velocity gloves. Do you have any idea what comes close? It sucks that i can try these things on locally anymore, i need to make a trip to canada.

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