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Hockey dad hit kid POLL

Were his actions acceptable?  

96 members have voted

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I voted "no", in that it is not acceptable, but I can understand why he did it (instinct to protect his player (son?)). And he should be banned for life from coaching.

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Both teams should be kicked out. There is no reason for that kind of fighting for that age level. Also, if the guy was one of the coaches, then he had every right to "Stop" the little jack-leg for trying to sucker-punch the other kid.

It is BS that many kids think hockey == fighting. There is a kid on my son's team that gets called into the box every game. Many time he cost the team a point. After the game, his father trys to explain that he is hurting the team, but the kid just blows him off.

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its always the retaliation that will get called

the kid might have been trying to sucker punch the other kid but we are all hung up on the dad

like in my game yesterday

battle along the boards

the kid freakin kicks my in the side of the knee almost blew it out

i get pissed

and cross check him into the boards

who gets called?


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