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Is the Mission S500 for my foot type?

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Sorry if this has been posted. I searched for it and found nothing. I am interested in some Mission S500s and I'm just wondering if they will fit my foot type (Bauer 8090s fit me pretty well). The reviewers all had flat feet and I do not. I have an average to high arch, a high instep and normal heel. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Can't...there are no LHS that carry them. If I could try them on I wouldn't ask. I'm just trying to save myself time and a big hassle if I have to order them on the internet and they don't fit.

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I was in the same boat. No LHS to try them out in. I had worn the Pure Flys and was told the boot was exactly the same so I went with them.

I have a high arch and found these to be great. The forward pitch also seems to help a bit. CCM's always left me with pains in my arch, inserts never stayed in place.

I have an 11d foot and the 11d S500 fits fairly well. I could have gone a half size smaller but it isn't a huge deal.

Hope this helps, that's the unfortunate thing with Mission, great stuff but not alot of LHS's carry them.

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Sorry if this has been posted. I searched for it and found nothing. I am interested in some Mission S500s and I'm just wondering if they will fit my foot type (Bauer 8090s fit me pretty well). The reviewers all had flat feet and I do not. I have an average to high arch, a high instep and normal heel. Any help is greatly appreciated.

As long as the 8090s aren't too wide I would think about getting the EE size from Mission.

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Why? Is he that bad :P ? I like his reviews :P

I have found inaccurate info or conclusions in every one of them. Plus, in most cases he has never actually used the equipment and is just repeating marketing fluff.

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