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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does anyone think life goes too fast?

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I always considered myself a youngin and in many ways still do (except for my battle weary body), but this past summer I took the ex to an amusement park and hadn't shaved in a couple days (instead of the typical morning, noon, and night). We were walking toward the line for one of the coasters and a group of girls about 13 or 14 y/o was in a hurry and squeezed by me saying "Exuse us, sir..." I just stopped dead in my tracks, turned and looked at them with the look on my face that said "WTF" as my jaw hit the ground. I thought to myself, sure I rarely get carded for alcohol, but DAMN!!! IM ONLY 6 YEARS OLDER THAN YOU AT MOST!!

My High School years are just a blur right now even though I just graduated in '04 at the ripe old age of 17, but that may be because I had at any given time 2-4 jobs, plus hockey and motocross. I do not really miss HS since I didn't have any common interests with hardly anyone there. Sometimes, though, I kinda wish that I been forced to grow up so quick (maturity wise), but thats what was given to me so I'll just live with it.

Now that Im out of HS, time really flies by :(

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It is all relative, guys that are in the 30s-40s here on the board seems old because there is mostly teens and young adults on the board. But yesterday I was talking to my grandfather and he was saying how he would like to be back in the 40s to do things and he can't do anymore. He was mentionning someone in the 40s as someone who is pretty young.

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I skate with a guy who is 73 and, obviously, an inspiration to all of us. He's slower, can't shoot, gets tired quicker, but we all love Johnny Lightning because he has 20-50 years on all of us, but he's out there twice a week.

He's got a great attitude, also. He had a great line the other day. He and I were the last two in the locker prior to pickup when he grabbed his dark jersey to wear and said, "Let's see, I f*cked over the white team on Tuesday, so I'm going to f*ck over the dark team today. I try to be even in which team I'm f*cking....."

PS I've heard of 75-and-over leagues in Canada.

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I remember skating with a guy who was in his late 60's when I was in my early 20's. He finally gave up after I body checked him one night. He was a nice guy but he just couldn't take it anymore after that. He should probably have stuck to the 40 & over games or something.

I'm not saying that life can't be good at 30, 40, 50, etc, but your body definitely goes downhill. I am in decent shape (now as opposed to a few months ago), but when things ache, they ache a little bit longer than when I was younger. That's what I mean by its downhill from 25.. so live it up boys!

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I'm not saying that life can't be good at 30, 40, 50, etc, but your body definitely goes downhill.  I am in decent shape (now as opposed to a few months ago), but when things ache, they ache a little bit longer than when I was younger.    That's what I mean by its downhill from 25.. so live it up boys!

Last June, prior to a concussion and a hamstring pull, I was in the best shape of my life. (Well, except for the flexibility part..... :D) Since then, I've become much busier and less able to visit the gym with normal consistency, so I'm not quite where I was.

I agree injuries can take longer to heal, but I don't believe the decline has to be dramatic -- if one puts in the effort.

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Get used to it, Kovy...Because the older you get the faster it goes.

Amen to that, brotha! :)

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I used to play with and against a 60+ year old Swede that could still skate circles around us young-uns. He was unbelievable. He was difficult to bump off the puck, feisty when he didn't have the puck, and just position-wise smart. He also had a 1-2 step that would get him away from everybody else. We secretly nicknamed him "Gordie Howe" because we had a feeling that he'd find a way to knock us silly if he found out. A team flew in and played against us, and they weren't as nice to him as we were so he only lasted a couple of games playing against em, but was back on the ice with us shortly after.

Hats off to everyone above 40 that's still playing!!!

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You're 16 and remembering when you were a young'un? Last I checked, the inability to grow facial hair and not being able to get into bars still made you a young'un :lol:

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