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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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reccomend a OPS

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hey guys, I'm new at posting here...but been reading these boards often.

anywho, here goes. I thinking of maybe buying a OPS but I'm not sure what I could go for. I've been checking out some OPS but they all kinda look the same to me.

I was wondering, from experience, what you guys reccomend. I'm 5'8 180. I play defence more of a stay at home style. I have an average slapshot, but a very good wristshot. I like sticks with a good "whip" and blade patterns I like most are Naslund, Yzerman and Lindros. I'm not sure what stick flex could fit my style?

I'm looking for a OPS that offers a good balance between performance and durability. for a good OPS, money isn't that much of a problem.


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Tapered shafts offer the same as a OPS. They give you the option to try out different curve and stuff, and if a blade breaks just replace it etc... Check one of them out.

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Tapered shafts offer the same as a OPS. They give you the option to try out different curve and stuff, and if a blade breaks just replace it etc... Check one of them out.

I've tried a couple of tapered shafts before, but I don't like the feeling. I don't know, but I just don't feel comfortable with those. something feels weird, dunno why?

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Tapered shafts offer the same as a OPS. They give you the option to try out different curve and stuff, and if a blade breaks just replace it etc... Check one of them out.

I've tried a couple of tapered shafts before, but I don't like the feeling. I don't know, but I just don't feel comfortable with those. something feels weird, dunno why?

Your most likely not going to like a OPS then.I cant tell the difference between a Tapered Shaft/Blade Combo and an OPS,Performance and feel wise.

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Tapered shafts offer the same as a OPS. They give you the option to try out different curve and stuff, and if a blade breaks just replace it etc... Check one of them out.

I've tried a couple of tapered shafts before, but I don't like the feeling. I don't know, but I just don't feel comfortable with those. something feels weird, dunno why?

What shafts? Not all of them are as good as others.

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Tapered shafts offer the same as a OPS. They give you the option to try out different curve and stuff, and if a blade breaks just replace it etc... Check one of them out.

I've tried a couple of tapered shafts before, but I don't like the feeling. I don't know, but I just don't feel comfortable with those. something feels weird, dunno why?

What shafts? Not all of them are as good as others.

mostly shafts from other teammates. I tried 2 different (tapered)Eastons and an RBK. I tried a OPS Bauer XX. loved the weight of it and my wrister felt harder and faster. but, it didn't feel whippy enough...the flex was to stiff. other than that, always played with wooden sticks

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Im roughly around the same size as you are I have a vapor xxx lite I take great wristers with it and i have the 77 flex which is good for me cause im not huge. If you want a good light weight stick with some good balence i would recomend this but i got a crack in my first one and got a new one on my warranty and have had no durability problems witht the new one so its a great stick over all but i cant tell you too much about the durability. I have also always liked tps sticks I have had two in the past and never had a single problem with either of them.

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Tapered shafts offer the same as a OPS. They give you the option to try out different curve and stuff, and if a blade breaks just replace it etc... Check one of them out.

I've tried a couple of tapered shafts before, but I don't like the feeling. I don't know, but I just don't feel comfortable with those. something feels weird, dunno why?

What shafts? Not all of them are as good as others.

mostly shafts from other teammates. I tried 2 different (tapered)Eastons and an RBK. I tried a OPS Bauer XX. loved the weight of it and my wrister felt harder and faster. but, it didn't feel whippy enough...the flex was to stiff. other than that, always played with wooden sticks

Assuming you used an 85 in the EAston and it didn't have enough flex, I would look into a Bauer or Warrior 75-ish flex or TPS whip flex.

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mostly shafts from other teammates. I tried 2 different (tapered)Eastons and an RBK. I tried a OPS Bauer XX. loved the weight of it and my wrister felt harder and faster.

You might want to give the XX a go, a lot of sites might have the older ones on clearance now. Awhile back, I think hockey.com was clearing them out for $100. <a href=http://www.hockeygiant.com/bauvapxxsrstk.html>HockeyGiant has them for $120</a>.

My Mission M-1 probably remains my favorite stick, but that's all personal preference. Like the others have said, you might want to check out a tapered shaft/blade combo if you're unsure which blade pattern you like the best. I know you said you didn't like the feel, but perhaps you were using a standard shaft/blade combo like the Ultra-Lite or Z-Bubble?

And if you can hold off on buying a stick for about a month, each manufactuer will soon be releasing this year's models......and most places will be trying to clear out older merchandise at discounted prices.

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thanx for all the reccomendations guys. I'll hit the LHS and shop hard before I make a definite choice

ohh, I almost forgot.

with a wooden stick, I can make my slapshot rise, but with the tapered shafts I tried...I couldn't make my slapshot rise. what's up with that???

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with a wooden stick, I can make my slapshot rise, but with the tapered shafts I tried...I couldn't make my slapshot rise. what's up with that???

I'd guess that has more to do with the curve of the blade than the actual stick. But maybe it's just a personal preference thing with you?

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with a wooden stick, I can make my slapshot rise, but with the tapered shafts I tried...I couldn't make my slapshot rise. what's up with that???

I'd guess that has more to do with the curve of the blade than the actual stick. But maybe it's just a personal preference thing with you?

IF I remember correctly, the blade pattern was a Peca

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I just got a Vapor VI after always having used wood sticks. I've only used it for one game so far but I found an amazing improvement in my shot. I got the 87 flex P9 curve (Hossa) I believe and it's just flexy enough without being too whippy (I think the P88 Lindros is almost identical however). You can find them online for $70 I think although I got mine from LHS.

Good luck.

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with a wooden stick, I can make my slapshot rise, but with the tapered shafts I tried...I couldn't make my slapshot rise. what's up with that???

I'd guess that has more to do with the curve of the blade than the actual stick. But maybe it's just a personal preference thing with you?

IF I remember correctly, the blade pattern was a Peca

The lie on that is awful high, it's hard to get good wood on a shot if the lie is off.

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Go for a TPS Adrenaline Whip Flex Nash.

I hear good comments about the TPS

I just finished reading reviews on the TPS XN10. that OPS seems to have the best reviews on this site.

I'll have to check it out at the LHS ;)

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I just bought the exact same stick that I recomended. I have game in alittle bit today, so I'll tell ya how it is.

aight, thanx

have a good game

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Go for a TPS Adrenaline Whip Flex Nash.

I hear good comments about the TPS

I just finished reading reviews on the TPS XN10. that OPS seems to have the best reviews on this site.

I'll have to check it out at the LHS ;)

The XN10 has been discontinued.

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I called the LHS out of curiousity. they still have some XN10 left. the blade patterns they have left are: Tkachuk, Tucker, Nash and two others I don't remember in regular and whip flex

at $325, no wonder they have some left

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finally bought a TPS Reponse XN10. I got the Nash pattern with regular flex. the flex feels like a Vapour XX 87 flex to me.

can't wait to try it tonight :D

I got the "impulsive buyer" rebate once again. my LHS owner loves me. every time I go in, I hear the KACHING KACHING he makes ;)

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